Their Blood Cries Out

From the first premeditated murder in the world in Genesis 4 vs 10 to Revelation 6 vs 9-11, “Innocent Blood will be judged.”

In the first case, Cain in envy slew his brother Abel and God would judge him for it. (His blood cried out).

In the second case, the Martyrs have died for their faith and they cried out with a loud voice saying, “How long oh Lord, Holy and True, until You judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”

From the beginning to the end of the Bible, God says you shall not murder (Genesis 20 vs 13) because man is made in the image of God. (Genesis 1 vs 27) This gives him value, meaning and dignity. From the beginning of life to death, or from the womb to the tomb human life is precious. It must be protected at all cost, even in the unborn state. David said in Psalm 139 vs 13 & 14 “For it was you who created my inward parts, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Dying with dignity can be difficult, problematic and controversial. We should not encourage prolonged suffering, should it come to that, but people can avail themselves of pain reducing drugs and through love, prayer and presence we can try to make the last hours of that suffering loved one as comfortable as possible.

In a nutshell: Black Lives Matter, Red Lives Matter (Indigenous Children), White Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter and Yellow Lives Matter. “Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in His sight” as that children’s song goes. The innocent murder of anyone cries out for judgement, but there is also mercy involved upon forgiveness.

Stephen, the first Christian Martyr, upon being stoned and close to death cried out in a very Christ like manner on behalf of his murderers. “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this he fell asleep. (Acts 7 vs 5-9) Greatest of all, Jesus shed His Blood on the Cross for the world, and if people receive that free gift by faith, they will receive undeserved Mercy. If not, they will receive deserved Justice. No one gets injustice.

All lives matter. Man alone is God’s crowning creation being made in the image of God. Innocent blood will continue to be shed until the Lord’s Second Coming. THEIR BLOOD CRIES OUT.

But the most innocent ONE of all, the Sinless Son of God, shed His precious blood and still cries out Forgiveness or Justice.

I pray that you make that all important decision to receive Christ. Do not put it off! For the Lord’s Blood was not shed in vain. What will it cry out for you? Justice or Mercy?

His Blood Still Cries Out.

In Christ,

Pastor Gary Tomiuck

Wainfleet Congregational Christian Church