In our childhood home on the lake, we once experienced a severe storm. We had just recently built a boathouse on the beach to protect our cabin cruiser. We dug the foundation, poured concrete into the footings, even placing steel reinforcing rods to strengthen the walls.
The rain came down, the waves rose and the wind blew down the boathouse. The reason being that we did not dig deep enough and were far too close to the water itself.
There are only two builders in the parable that I would like to expound. The WISE and the FOOLISH. The only commonality is the STORM. The difference is that one man built his house on the sand and the other built his foundation on the rock.
Who is the WISE man? The answer is found in Matthew 7 vs 24 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice” Jesus said. Who is the FOOLISH man? Matthew 7 vs 26 “Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice”.
Everyone is building some type of foundation. Be it a building, a career, or their own philosophy of life. Each house looks secure when they are untested. But…the storm will come, because the foundations are being destroyed by a foolish, worldly system that is undermining God’s values. There will be a LOUD CRACK one day unless one repents and changes their foundation. In a Higher Dimension there is the storm of God’s wrath coming against the unrepentant. Everyone must build their lives upon Christ, The ROCK OF AGES, to avert this surely coming disaster, or simply put they must put into practice by being DOERS of the Word and not mere LISTENERS.
How can you know with certainty and assurance that you are building your life on the right foundation? I Corinthians 3 vs 11 tells us “For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Christ.”
If you repent and believe that you are a sinner and need Jesus as you only Savior, you are building on the only true foundation. You can sing “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All Other Ground is Sinking Sand”. And you can say confidently “LET THE STORMS COME!”
In Christ,
Pastor Gary Tomiuck
Wainfleet Congregational Christian Church