Families for Better or for Worse

If we examine the God ordained institution of marriage we find much blessing coupled with much suffering. There will be weeping and rejoicing, feast and famine, lamentation and celebration.

FAMILY FAVORITISM must be rated high on the list. In Genesis 37 vs 3, Jacob loved Joseph more than any of his other sons. The end result was that his brothers were jealous of him, hated him and threw him into a pit. (Genesis 37 vs 22) They left him there to die, then changed their minds and sold him to a travelling caravan, the purchase price being 20 shekels of silver. Have you ever felt like the black sheep of your family? Your other family members have been shown great favoritism over you. You are the black sheep and they are the golden boy or girl. They can’t do anything wrong while you can’t do anything right or so it seems. So you find yourself in a deep dark pit of depression, despair and despondency not unlike Joseph spiritually speaking. Maybe you have been cheated from a family inheritance and sold out like Joseph was for a mere pittance.

Even though Joseph was in prison like a slave after being purchased by the caravan, he still had God’s favor. The Lord gave Joseph favor in His eyes. (Genesis 39 vs 4) Joseph was elevated from a pit to prison to a palace. (Genesis 41 vs 41) Pharoah said to Joseph, “I put you in charge of the whole land of Eygpt.” Why? PRESERVATION. A severe drought came and Joseph collected the grain to be held in reserve to be used during the seven years of famine.

FORGIVENESS. Joseph said to his brothers, “Do not be angry with yourselves, it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you.”

PROVIDENCE God works through seemingly insignificant things to providentially accomplish great good. For Moses it was a rod, for David it was a sling, and for Samson a jawbone of a donkey. And now for Joseph, God used a multi-colored robe. This set in motion a whole chain of events that saved the Israelites.

If you receive Christ by faith, cast yourself upon Him and confess your sins and acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior, WHAT WILL HAPPEN?

NUMBER ONE: You shall be set free from your pit of sin and that prison of bondage.

NUMBER TWO: Christ has bought you with a price. Your purchase price was the precious blood of Christ.

NUMBER THREE: You will be clothed in white, in Christ’s righteousness. There is no Robe like this.

NUMBER FOUR: You will dwell in the best place ever, which is not a place made with human hands but is God’s mansion which He is building for you.

From a PIT to PRISON to a PALACE. This can only lead to…

NUMBER FIVE. Praise. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.

Pastor Gary Tomiuck

Wainfleet Congregational Christian Church