Since the beginning of time, people have been searching for that legendary FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. Can you imagine drinking from those magical waters and having your youth restored? Especially as we age, with time increasing our aches and pains as well as our failing mental health, this would be a miracle. But this FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH is not a FOUNTAIN OF TRUTH. As much as highly gifted doctors and plastic surgeons try to de-age people and at least slow down the aging process, no one will be forever young.

Now, imagine if there was such a thing as the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE whereby one can drink from it and live forever. The miracle of all miracles can be true. It is found in the person of Jesus who said in John 4 vs 14 “Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring welling up to ETERNAL LIFE.” This is nothing short of a great and glorious invitation for all those who see their need of this LIVING WATER from this LIVING SAVIOUR. It is also found in the Bible the written word that attests to the Living Word, Jesus, who said in Proverbs 13 vs 14 “The teaching of the wise is a FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.”

There are only two wells to drink from, and most are drinking from the stale and stagnant waters of death and destruction. They do not know it, but this is life without God. It is empty, unsatisfying and deadly. Jeremiah 2 vs 13 says “For my people have committed two evils, they have forgotten Me, the FOUNTAIN OF LIVING WATERS to hew for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water.”

Psalm 36 vs 18 says “You gave them to drink of the river of your delights.” God knows and you can know that you can only be satisfied and happy in Him alone.

Now listen carefully to Gods heart of pleading. “Whoever is thirsty, let him come and whoever wishes let him take the free gift of the WATER OF LIFE.” (Revelation 22 vs 17) Yet some people would not want to live forever since they have had such a terrible time of their life on earth. For them any FOUNTAIN OF LIFE would be an eternal FOUNTAIN OF STRIFE. But the life Jesus promises is not just an eternal life but an infinitely superior quality of life as well.

Which well will you drink from? The imaginary FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH which has no truth or the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE which gives no strife. But instead a fresh and powerful RIVER OF LIFE bubbling up into ETERNAL LIFE.

For those who humbly confess their sins to Jesus and sincerely repent of them, they will personally experience that this FOUNTAIN OF LIFE is no myth or legend.

Pastor Gary Tomiuck

Wainfleet Congregational Christian Church