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Church Is Boring?

The desire for God and eternity is a gift that God has put into the hearts of everyone. Why do many people desire possessions to such an extent, that they try to draw every pleasure from them? They run up their charge cards because they must have whatever they desire right now. But that euphoria is short lived and like an addiction it takes more to satisfy them. Even then it does not because “things” were never meant to satisfy the deep cravings and longings of the human heart.

Only Christ can. Only He can quench this thirsting of their souls. Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4 vs 14 “whoever drinks the water I will give him will never thirst, indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to Eternal Life.” This Living Water that Christ offers is Eternal Life. This supreme affection and desire pushes out lesser affections. This desire can only be filled by God. Every other earthly desire diminishes over time. Soul satisfaction in Christ does the exact opposite. It increases daily reaching its fullness in Eternity.

C.S. Lewis said it well. “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” Nothing in this world will deliver what it promises. Why is that? You were made by God for God and in God this desire will never end.

Preachers may make church boring but God, the Author and Sustainer of life in all of its fullness and depth is anything but boring. Preaching the foursquare full gospel in the Spirit is not boring. There are two roads which lead to two different destinations. One with God equals Eternal Life. The other leads to Eternal Destruction. Everyone is one day closer to either one on their journey of life.

Would you like to have an encounter of the closest kind? Would you like to encounter God when you leave this world? Would you like to look into the eyes of Eternity? In Jesus Christ anyone can worship the Lord in the Beauty of His Holiness and experience His Glorious Majesty forever.

You can, if you come in humility through Christ by confessing your sins and truly repenting of them. In any event you will face God in your sins or without them. Jesus took your sins and mine on the bloody yet empty cross. If you receive this gift through the empty hands of faith, you will have an abundant and fulfilling life now and forever.


In Christ,

Pastor Gary Tomiuck