Skipping Christmas

The two most celebrated events of the Christian faith are Christmas and Easter. Without the birth of Christ there could be no resurrection and without the resurrection there would be no hope.

Christmas is not a holiday that only happens once a year. It is an ongoing reality that has infinite relevance for believers. It is so much more than a day off of work, going on a spending spree or a party hardy time of year. Some people skip Christmas by jetting off to a warmer climate and country not wanting to contend with snow, the cold weather and potential storms, they would much rather lay on the beach to work on their tan or sip on drinks poolside.

So they #1 skip over Christmas, related to that others want to be politically correct. We must not say Merry Christmas for fear of offending other multi-faith religions.

Still other people #2 skip through Christmas like a mad bull in a china shop. Celebrating Christmas for them reminds them of their loss of happy family gatherings. They strongly dislike Christmas and skip through it wanting to get it over with as soon as possible and get back to the regular routine of the day. They would like to kill Christmas.

When King Herod under the guise of wanting to worship Christ, learned of the prophecy of Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, “For out of you will come a ruler who will be the Shepherd of my people Israel” (Matthew 2 vs 6) Herod said he wanted to worship Him. (Matthew 2 vs 8) But in a dream Joseph was told “Take the child and His mother and escape to Egypt for Herod is going to search for the child and kill Him.” (Matthew 2 vs 13)

Still other people #3 skip around Christmas. Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist wanted a sure sign of God to believe. (See Luke 1 vs 20) This is the most popular response to Christmas, Seeing is Believing. But for the believer, Believing is Seeing. Faith is not blind. It has eyes to see spiritually.

Lastly #4 Skip into Christmas. This is the least popular belief which is growing constantly, but it is the only Biblical one. Christians hop, skip and jump with both feet into the Bible fact. With the Magi we bow down and worship Him. (Matthew 1 vs 11) With Zechariah restored we say “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel.” (Luke 1 vs 68) This remarkable truth brings immeasurable joy to the Christian, just as John the Baptist as a baby in the womb of Elizabeth leaped for joy. (Luke 1 vs 44)

Elizabeth blessed God. (Luke 1 vs 45) Mary sang “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” (Luke 1 vs 46 and 47) The Angels praised God saying “Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth, good will to all men.” (Luke 2 vs 14)

The Shepherds praised God for all the things they had seen and heard. (Luke 2 vs 20)

Simeon, an old man who was waiting for the arrival of a Savior praised God saying “Sovereign Lord as You have promised, dismiss your servant in peace.” (Luke 2 vs 28)

Anna, an elderly woman of prayer gave thanks to God. “Praise God for this Child.” (Luke 2 vs 38)

My prayer is that you will not #1 SKIP OVER CHRISTMAS, that you will not #2 SKIP THROUGH CHRISTMAS or #3 SKIP AROUND CHRISTMAS, but that you will #4 SKIP INTO CHRISTMAS and discover the true meaning of this season.

Christmas Blessings and Merry Christmas to all.

Pastor Gary Tomiuck

Wainfleet Congregational Christian Church