Since the beginning of time, people have been searching for that legendary FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. Can you imagine drinking from […]

Families for Better or for Worse

If we examine the God ordained institution of marriage we find much blessing coupled with much suffering. There will be […]

The Race of Life

We have all heard the expressions “How goes the battle?” or “It’s a rat race.” Life is busy and hectic […]

Skipping Christmas

The two most celebrated events of the Christian faith are Christmas and Easter. Without the birth of Christ there could […]

From War Dead to Peace and Life

This is that special time of year in which we honor and pay tribute to those special fallen brave heroes […]

jesus-crucifix_bible_wainfleet church

Church Is Boring?

The desire for God and eternity is a gift that God has put into the hearts of everyone. Why do […]


Why Go To Church?

What are your thoughts on the church? Many people view it as irrelevant or belonging to an antiquarian age. Other […]